Tune in! Tone up! Pelvic Floor Yoga Program Series with Sherry Zak Morris
A Comprehensive Yoga Educational Program for strengthening the Pelvic Floor and Bladder Re-training. If you have experienced episodes of involuntary urination, leakage or dribbling… this information is for YOU! Learn why this happens, and most importantly, what YOU can do to improve and remedy the situation.
Includes a 4-part video lecture series that delves into how our body functions and what can go awry in the urination process. Includes FOUR 15-minute Gentle Chair Yoga sequences to help strengthen the Pelvic Floor area. All the reading, research and understanding does us no good if we don’t put our knowledge into action. Now… let’s get to work!
Recommended Frequency: Do each Yoga practice at least 1-2 times a week. Improvements can be experienced within 1-3 months. Keep track with your bladder diary to measure your improvements!
View the Entire Video Series on YogaVista.TV
Incontinence and Bladder Retraining – Part 1 with Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT
This Introduction will give you a sneak preview into what we will be sharing in the “Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Educational Series”. Let’s learn together, let’s be candid together.. and let’s get empowered to do something about it! We Can Do It! This Series includes a 4-part lecture to educate you and 4 Yoga practices to empower you!