Do you want to earn advanced credentials and/or a Certification in your Academy Specialty area of study?
Our Credential Module is optional for those who want to go the extra mile and submit a teachback class and final assignment. These additional components are graded by our Mentor Teacher Staff and come complete with a detailed Report Card with personal feedback. If you are a 200+ hr trained Yoga Teacher, you will earn a “Certification” credential upon successfully completing the Credential Module. If you are not a 200-hr trained Yoga Teacher, no worries, you will receive a “Certificate of Competency” in your Academy Specialty.

Gentle Yoga Credential Requirements
- Observation and Reflection Report – The purpose of this written assignment is to hone your observation skills, tune into your creativity and decipher what teaching styles are in alignment with you. You will be given a selection of Gentle Yoga classes that are taught by different Gentle Yoga Teachers. Your assignment is to provide a 3-4 sentence feedback paragraph. Share your thoughts on pacing, cueing, sequencing, ambiance, etc. Reflect on how the class made you feel, what you learned and/or how the class was presented.
- 30-40 Minute Teachback class – Your Final Gentle Yoga Teachback will be a 30-40 minute “condensed” Gentle Yoga class that incorporates both seated and standing sequences. Choose a topic, condition, physiological issue, etc that is of interest to you and one that you want to know more about. You will research your topic and then create a Gentle Yoga class that weaves in information, knowledge, instruction and guidance as to the reasons and benefits Yoga brings to this condition. Don’t worry about all the detailed medical jargon, but rather learn about the condition enough to be able to know what movements/poses could be supportive.
FREE 3-Month Subscription to YogaVista.TV
Included with the Chair Yoga Credential Module is a 3-month subscription to our streaming video library, YogaVista.TV. Benefit from 500+ Chair Yoga classes that will give you endless ideas, themes and sequences to weave into your classes.
A perfect tool to help you prepare for your Teachback class!