Do you want to earn advanced credentials and/or a Certification in your Academy Specialty area of study?
Our Credential Module is optional for those who want to go the extra mile and submit a teachback class and final assignment. These additional components are graded by our Mentor Teacher Staff and come complete with a detailed Report Card with personal feedback. If you are a 200+ hr trained Yoga Teacher, you will earn a “Certification” credential upon successfully completing the Credential Module. If you are not a 200-hr trained Yoga Teacher, no worries, you will receive a “Certificate of Competency” in your Academy Specialty.

Wheelchair Yoga Credential Requirements
- 30-Minute Teachback class – The purpose of the teachback is to demonstrate and incorporate some of the learning and teaching methodologies that are in the Online Wheelchair Yoga Teacher Training Program. The review of your 30 minute class will tune into both your style of teaching, how you share what you have learned from the Program, and your inclusion of safety issues and concerns important to the Wheelchair Yoga student community.