I need your recommendation on the BEST folding chairs to purchase for my Senior Chair Yoga class
I need your recommendation on the BEST folding chairs to purchase for my Senior Chair Yoga class.
I recently was awarded a local United Way Community Investment Mini Grant to buy 35 appropriate chairs and other equipment for our local Senior Center’s Yoga program. I want to be sure the chairs are sturdy with padded seats and back rests. Since I have several men in the class, I was hoping to find a few taller chairs as well.
Answer from Sherry
I used these black vinyl padded folding chairs that I buy from Staples… and they deliver! They have padded seats and backs and store efficiently. Don’t get any chairs that have a curved bottom!
For the tall guys, I have a few padded folding bar stools from Home Depot that we bring out for the standing poses.
Hope that helps! Have fun!