Online Workshop: The Posture Project for the 50+ Population

Course Description

The Posture Project follows 59 students ages 52-89 over a multi-year period to compare before and after postures utilizing Chair Yoga therapeutic practices.

Can we feel better, stronger and more flexible as we age? Common misconceptions that the muscles deteriorate, the bones get brittle and the joints get stiff make us cringe at the thought of aging. “Movement is the antidote to aging”, but finding the right movements that are supportive and not damaging is the key to healthy aging.

In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT400 specializing in Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga, shares the stunning results of her Senior Posture Project, and observations and analysis from her many years teaching Yoga to the 50+ population. Sherry worked with many seniors over months and years to get this data and has documented their improvements based on specific recommendations that can be done in Yoga classes and/or at home.

Workshop Highlights

  • Common Issues and Conditions of the Aging Population
  • The Relationship between Aging, Posture and Pain
  • Analysis of the Yoga for Seniors Posture Project: Simple Corrections/Big
  • Prescriptive and Accessible Gentle and Chair Yoga sequences

After this workshop you’ll understand:

  • The growing health trends of aging and how Yoga can manage, support and even improve long-standing physical issues.
  • Safe and effective movements that can be done in a chair or on a Yoga mat.
  • Body reading, posture analysis and prescriptive recommendations to empower change in the physical body that will relieve pain and increase mobility.
  • And lots more!  So many photos you can analyze for yourself!

Course Outline

Module 1 Video Lecture: The Posture Project for the 50+ Demographic
Unit 1 Course Handout: 150 Page Teacher Training Manual for the Posture Project  
Unit 2 Video: Part 1: Actively Aging with Yoga: The Posture Project  
Unit 3 Video: Part 2: Body Reading, Posture Analysis and Prescriptive Movements  
Module 2 Selection of One-Hour "Posture-Specific" Live Yoga Classes with Sherry Zak Morris
Unit 1 Video: Be Pain Free! Posture Clinic for Seniors  
Unit 2 Video: Posture Conscientiousness and Awareness  
Unit 3 Video: Posture Class for Body Alignment  
Module 3 Quiz: Posture Project
Unit 1 Quiz: Posture Project  

More Information

Sneak Preview

In this 4-Hour Video Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT specializing in Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga, will share the stunning results of her Senior Posture Project, and observations and analysis from her many years teaching Yoga to the 50+ population. Sherry has worked with many seniors over multiple months to get this data and has documented their improvements based on specific recommendations that can be done in Yoga classes and/or at home.

BONUS! Materials

  • 150-Page Downloadable Follow-along Manual with detailed photos, illustrations, anatomy and lots of Yoga poses
  • 3 Full length “Posture Clinic” classes filmed with a group of Seniors at the Yoga Vista Studio

Chair Yoga Deep Dive Workshop Series for Seniors

This Posture Project Workshop is part of the Chair Yoga Deep Dive Workshop series which is great for expanding your knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching to Seniors with limited mobility.  You will understand what is going awry in the body in terms of alignment, posture and osteoarthritis repercussions so that you can teach to each student in the room.


I enjoyed the Posture Project, feel like I am more aware of the misalignments in the yoga students and just in the general population! I catch myself looking at people everywhere I go with attention to their posture. I loved the idea of the questionnaire and the before and after photos of the students. The Fascia-nation sequence is a fun way to introduce the students to the fascia netting of our bodies.

I am learning so much thru this certification program! So grateful that I found You and Chair Yoga. I love the gentle yoga classes I teach and look forward to teaching Chair Yoga!

Dana Thiele

Academy Certified Chair Yoga Teacher

It hit home just how much posture is correlated with pain and discomfort. I always thought, “what’s the big deal? Just stand up straight!” Now that I’m a senior I have so much more compassion and I’m getting a taste of what my students are experiencing! The students find relief with regular practice with emphasis on awareness and alignment and that in itself is huge. Love your program. I have been inspired the whole way through. I am so thankful.

Suzi Mahler

Academy Certified Chair Yoga Teacher

I am a AFAA certified group fitness instructor with YogaFit training. I love all of your fabulous tips, DVDs and Utube productions. They have given me so much very important information to make me a better yoga instructor! I began teaching a chair class 5 years ago because I saw a need to modify for my seniors. It has become the largest growing segment of all the various classes I teach!! I feel so much more confident since watching your youtube classes and DVDs. I just took your “Posture Project” online course and loved it! So many great tools and tips to help me instruct an effective, safe and appropriate chair yoga class.

Jill D.

AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor

Before this project, I never REALLY looked at peoples’ posture very much. It’s amazing what I saw and learned from having to observe people and write this paper. Seems like everywhere I go now, I’m looking at a person’s posture and trying to figure out what the issues are and how to improve them. Thanks Sherry!

Judy Rycombel

Academy Certified Chair Yoga Teacher

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