by Justine | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Upper Body
Movement precautions for person with herniated cervical disc Question I have a student who is afraid to move due to a cervical disc herniation. I don’t want to hurt her! What precautions should I be taking? Movement precautions for Herniated Cervical Disc Thank...
by Sherry | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Conditions, Diseases & Other Physical Issues, Q&A: Lower Body, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine
I have a prospective student with these two issues. I am working my way through the online Chair Yoga course which I signed up for 2 months ago. I had an email from a prospective yogi who wants to attend my seniors class because he has the following issues: chronic...
by Sherry | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine
Question Why are Warrior poses not necessarily easy or appropriate for students with SI Joint issues or low back pain or disc damage? Answer from Justine I’m gonna break this down a bit…..Warrior 1 is an asymmetrical back bend, and with one leg forward and...
by Sherry | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine
What are the Forward Bending Guidelines for a Herniated Disc? Question For a herniated disc, modifications include forward pelvic tilt. It was my understanding that the pelvis should be rolled back to straighten the lumbar spine to alleviate pain in that area. Please...