by Justine | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine, Q&A: Upper Body
My student’s doctor told her she should do no twists at all, never, because of her spine. Hello! I have a question concerning one of my students and I hope you can give me some advice. My student is in her late sixties and has suffered from leukemia. This was...
by Sherry | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Conditions, Diseases & Other Physical Issues, Q&A: Lower Body, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine
I have a prospective student with these two issues. I am working my way through the online Chair Yoga course which I signed up for 2 months ago. I had an email from a prospective yogi who wants to attend my seniors class because he has the following issues: chronic...
by Sherry | Ask the Expert, Q&A: Mid Body and Spine
Is it Safe for Seniors with Undiagnosed Osteoporosis to do Forward Bends? Question I just finished a module of my 500 hour YTT on Adaptations and we touched on seniors and osteoporosis. My teachers said that we should assume that most seniors have some form of...