Dee Zilke
Spruce Grove
Dee Zilke has been practicing Yoga since 2011, and is a Registered Social Worker (RSW) and Certified Child & Youth Care Counsellor (CCYCC) within the Province of Alberta, Canada, and is designated with the following Yoga & Reiki certifications: RYT-200 (2017), RCYT (2020), RPYT (2020), Usui Reiki Master (2021). Dee’s yoga philosophy has always been to provide yoga & wellness for every Body-Mind-Soul; providing opportunities for unique yoga classes (in English & in French) to build on one’s yoga practice or learn something new on and off their mat. She specializes & loves to provide yoga classes online & in-person with the following focus: Ahkanda Yoga, Family Yoga, Kids Yoga, Chair Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Reiki Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga, Animal Yoga, and many more as I continue to expand on my yoga practice & learning on and off my mat!