Smita Vyas
Bona-fide smiler, daily laugher, and proud Corgi mom. Smita decided to go down the road less traveled, and that indeed made all the difference. With her many hats, she finds herself teaching Yoga, conducting High School ESL classes, dancing, and exploring our beautiful planet Earth. Smita earned her teaching certification through Yoga Alliance (RYT-500) in Rishikesh, India where she extensively studied Hatha Yoga and then began teaching daily classes to multi-level Yoga practitioners. A year later, she decided to concentrate her efforts on students who have a limited range of flexibility and became certified through Yoga Vista as a Corporate Yoga teacher. She strongly believes that a smooth and progressive asana practice definitely requires a solid and proper foundation. Her mission as a Yoga teacher is to instill in her students a sense of comfort, self-confidence, and most importantly enjoyment! It’s all about generating awareness through knowledge — the more you know, the more you grow 🙂 Smita’s Aquarian tendencies constantly lead her to pursue her many whimsical ideas and while it is unknown what she’ll delve into next, one thing for certain is that she will be radiating happy vibes all around. Namaste!