Testimonials: Posture Project Course

Live Workshop Attendees

“Comprehensive and well‐presented. Inspiring to include posture enhancing asanas and facts in each class. Convincingly presented to inform that posture is foundationally important.”

“Very in‐depth! Loved all the visuals. Appreciated all the different angle/shots of REAL bodies. Gridlines helps me see more. I appreciate so many poses shared in the manual.”

“The case studies were informative and very applicable to teaching yoga safely. Sherry’s knowledge of body alignment presented in a user‐friendly manner was just great.”

Live Workshop Attendees

“Loved this session incorporating lots of cactus arm use for back strengthening and holding flat back. Sherry’s energy and generosity is so inspirational.”

“Very interesting ‐ especially survey results. Your students are almost the same age as mine with similar issues. So great to see the improvements!”

“It gave me ideas to photograph my students.”

“Awesome information. A great baseline to be more information with students issues (structurally) Excellent.”

“Sherry, love your teaching style! You connect with students in a beautiful way. Keep spreading the love!”

Live Workshop Attendees

“I loved looking at the case studies because that makes it real and relative. Looking at the issue and then having prescription is great.”

“The project was well planned, researched, and carried out. The postural observations, structural analysis of misalignment causes, together with specific asana and strengthening exercises to correct specific misalignments were insightful, well though out, and rigorously documented. The methodologies were clearly explained and documented, making the process accessible to yoga teachers wishing to implement the principles in their individual teaching niches. Sherry’s enthusiasm and effervescent personality are
contagious and inspiring.”

Live Workshop Attendees

“Very comprehensive information and fun! The research and statistics were eye-opening. I’ve found seniors love fact-based information about yoga. Can’t wait to share.

“Love, love, LOVE the posture project!!! Can’t wait to do this with my students. Thank you gazillions for sharing this with us. You are so gracious!”

“Sherry’s work with senior posture issues presented a wealth of knowledge that provided a comprehensive education on the issue. Her expertise, enthusiasm and love of what she does made her presentation extremely enjoyable and informative.”

Jill D., Michigan, USA

I am a AFAA certified group fitness instructor with YogaFit training. I love all of your fabulous tips, DVDs and Utube productions. They have given me so much very important information to make me a better yoga instructor! I began teaching a chair class 5 years ago because I saw a need to modify for my seniors. It has become the largest growing segment of all the various classes I teach!! I feel so much more confident since watching your youtube classes and DVDs. I just took your “Posture Project” online course and loved it! So many great tools and tips to help me instruct an effective, safe and appropriate chair yoga class.

Live Workshop Attendees

Yoga Teachers

“I loved looking at the case studies because that makes it real and relative. Looking at the issue and then having prescription is great.”

“The project was well planned, researched, and carried out. The postural observations, structural analysis of misalignment causes, together with specific asana and strengthening exercises to correct specific misalignments were insightful, well though out, and rigorously documented. The methodologies were clearly explained and documented, making the process accessible to yoga teachers wishing to implement the principles in their individual teaching niches. Sherry’s enthusiasm and effervescent personality are
contagious and inspiring.”

Colleen Sengpiel

Colleen Sengpiel

West Des Moines, Iowa | United States

I thoroughly enjoyed this project. I have been observing postures & various physical conditions since I received my RYT certification 7 years ago, but this course has taken me to the next level of observations, ie. I better understand the ripple effect to the ENTIRE body when a “load bearing” joint is out of alignment.

Chair Yoga Certified

Cathy Mikles

Cathy Mikles

Auburn, California | United States

I really enjoyed this unit. So much relevance for my own body and for my students. Also I purchased ‘pain free’ based on your recommendation. Love it. It is so practical. Thanks for your great work.

Chair Yoga CertifiedGentle Yoga Certified

Suzi Mahler

Suzi Mahler

Santa Cruz, California | United States

It hit home just how much posture is correlated with pain and discomfort. I always thought, “what’s the big deal? Just stand up straight!” Now that I’m a senior I have so much more compassion and I’m getting a taste of what my students are experiencing! The students find relief with regular practice with emphasis on awareness and alignment and that in itself is huge. Love your program. I have been inspired the whole way through. I am so thankful.

Chair Yoga Certified

Jim Angerame, Florida, USA

Chair Yoga Teacher

The course was excellent — as usual. With the growth of the Chair Yoga Movement (thanks a lot to you) a course like this is a must for any instructor. Your material and workshop have made me a better teacher and that has improved the wellness of my students. The Yoga community owes you much for all you provide.

Judy Rycombel

Judy Rycombel

Inverness, Illinois | United States

Before this project, I never REALLY looked at peoples’ posture very much. It’s amazing what I saw and learned from having to observe people and write this paper. Seems like everywhere I go now, I’m looking at a person’s posture and trying to figure out what the issues are and how to improve them. Thanks Sherry!

Chair Yoga Certified

Joanne Puglia

Joanne Puglia

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida | United States

So in love with teacher training. I am reading about the Posture Project right now. Everything is so well done.
I have a fantastic group of people in my chair exercise class that are loving all the new exercises I am teaching them. I tell them they are my guinea pigs as I go through Chair Yoga training. We are having so much fun!

Chair Yoga Certified

Live Workshop Attendees

Yoga Teachers

“Loved this session incorporating lots of cactus arm use for back strengthening and holding flat back. Sherry’s energy and generosity is so inspirational.”

“Very interesting ‐ especially survey results. Your students are almost the same age as mine with similar issues. So great to see the improvements!”

“It gave me ideas to photograph my students.”

“Awesome information. A great baseline to be more information with students issues (structurally) Excellent.”

“Sherry, love your teaching style! You connect with students in a beautiful way. Keep spreading the love!”

Live Workshop Attendees

Yoga Teachers

“Very comprehensive information and fun! The research and statistics were eye-opening. I’ve found seniors love fact-based information about yoga. Can’t wait to share.

“Love, love, LOVE the posture project!!! Can’t wait to do this with my students. Thank you gazillions for sharing this with us. You are so gracious!”

“Sherry’s work with senior posture issues presented a wealth of knowledge that provided a comprehensive education on the issue. Her expertise, enthusiasm and love of what she does made her presentation extremely enjoyable and informative.”

Dustin Huff

Dustin Huff

Pueblo, Colorado | United States

I think just helping people realize that their posture unconsciously becomes their real physical body is my imperative take away from the Posture Project and what I try to relay to people in my class. I have not tried to just tell my fellow man or woman at the grocery store that their hip leaning is creating an imbalance in their body and it shows, however I do think telepathy is a growing trend, and people are picking up on the unified field of thought. So, maybe if I just starting projecting posture corrections onto people they will begin to find new breath in the unconscious faults that become crystallized in their physical vessel.

Chair Yoga Certified

Jill D., Michigan, USA

AFAA Certified Group Fitness Instructor

I am a AFAA certified group fitness instructor with YogaFit training. I love all of your fabulous tips, DVDs and Utube productions. They have given me so much very important information to make me a better yoga instructor! I began teaching a chair class 5 years ago because I saw a need to modify for my seniors. It has become the largest growing segment of all the various classes I teach!! I feel so much more confident since watching your youtube classes and DVDs. I just took your “Posture Project” online course and loved it! So many great tools and tips to help me instruct an effective, safe and appropriate chair yoga class.

Gerry Hurtig

Gerry Hurtig

Parrish, Florida | United States

First, let me tell you how much I am enjoying the overall course. I have learned so much and am able to take the information and relate it to the classes I teach; a few chair as a sub, Hatha and restorative.

Chair Yoga CertifiedGentle Yoga CertifiedLow Back CertifiedWheelchair Yoga - Certified

Denise Harcourt, Toronto, CANADA

Chair Yoga Teacher

Every yoga teacher would benefit from this training.

Janet Rosoff

Janet Rosoff

Aventura, Florida | United States

I am taking your posture online class and I have now been asked to do a class specific for posture. So grateful for all that you and your staff do to educate me so my seniors can benefit.

Chair Yoga CertifiedGentle Yoga CertifiedLow Back Certified

Dana Thiele

Dana Thiele

Rabun Gap, Georgia | United States

I enjoyed the Posture Project, feel like I am more aware of the misalignments in the yoga students and just in the general population! I catch myself looking at people everywhere I go with attention to their posture. I loved the idea of the questionnaire and the before and after photos of the students. The Fascia-nation sequence is a fun way to introduce the students to the fascia netting of our bodies.

I am learning so much thru this certification program! So grateful that I found You and Chair Yoga. I love the gentle yoga classes I teach and look forward to teaching Chair Yoga!

Chair Yoga Certified

Karen Naids

Karen Naids

Concord, Maine | United States

I loved the Posture Project Course and use that information all the time. You have inspired me, I have become the queen of props. I have been using balls, magic wands, drumsticks, hats, ninja items, and anything from the dollar store. They love it!!!! Thanks. I could never do this without your certification. I am also in yoga therapy class, and have 3 private older ladies. It is really helping them. Thanks again to you and Justine.

Chair Yoga CertifiedCorporate Yoga CertifiedLow Back Certified

Live Workshop Attendees

Yoga Teachers

“Comprehensive and well‐presented. Inspiring to include posture enhancing asanas and facts in each class. Convincingly presented to inform that posture is foundationally important.”

“Very in‐depth! Loved all the visuals. Appreciated all the different angle/shots of REAL bodies. Gridlines helps me see more. I appreciate so many poses shared in the manual.”

“The case studies were informative and very applicable to teaching yoga safely. Sherry’s knowledge of body alignment presented in a user‐friendly manner was just great.”

Linda Smith

Yoga Teacher

And thank you for the posture project. I have learned so much from that and have a much stronger core as a result. I sit away from the backs of chairs for entire meals and or meetings. I observe more carefully others’ posture and can see how positively it has helped increase awareness in the members of my classes.

Emi Hanamizu

Emi Hanamizu

Kailua, Hawaii | United States

I completed the posture project for the 50+ this morning!!! I love to watch your videos which are very easy to listen and understand. You inspire me with so many ideas and I’m very excited to prepare my one hour class incorporating hula motion since I live in Hawaii.

Chair Yoga Certified