Why Take the Yoga for Low Back Care Teacher Training Program with Justine
I am a Viniyoga trained teacher and therapist, much of what I teach is Viniyoga informed. For sure, I use the main tenets of Viniyoga such as repetition and stay, breath centric asana, adaptation of poses to fit the desired need or outcome, sequencing principles, etc. I do, however, think you will get a great deal out of this program. It is a very deep dive into the anatomy and physiology of various injuries/conditions, as well as outlined contraindications for those conditions in addition to what poses are most helpful for improving various conditions. Much of what I learned in Viniyoga training is included, as well as what my own back problems have taught me, and years of working with clients, both in group classes as well as one on one therapy sessions and what that has taught me.

I would say I took the information in my Viniyoga trainings and distilled it down to what is most important in working with spinal conditions and back problems. Since I am a strong believer in educating as many people as possible how to work with these conditions, I don’t hold back in offering all that I have learned, not only in training but in my life and career. :o) You will see poses you are familiar with (dvi pada pitham, cakravakasana, apanasana, etc.) as well as many other variations that are not Viniyoga poses. (I also have a strong background in Iyengar teachings). There are multiple asana practices per condition – along with explanations as to why the adaptations work for the various conditions.
Gary’s low back DVD is based on a study for ‘generalized low back pain’ – which basically means ‘we don’t know the cause of the pain.’ And it is a great practice, but not safe for all conditions. This training goes much further into working with diagnosed conditions (Lumbar disc damage, stenosis, SI Joint instability, spondylolisthesis, spinal fusions, scoliosis, excessive kyphosis and/or lordosis, piriformis syndrome, etc.) as well as how to work with sciatica and its various causes. I think you will find it to be a deeper dive on this topic than what you have done with Gary. I say this not out of arrogance, he is my teacher and I learned SO much from him – I say this more out of knowing what I learned from Gary in workshops before I did the full training (and I learned a LOT from him that way) but the full training with him took us so much deeper…..and back care is my passion, so I have developed it even further over time, adding wisdom from other lineages where I found the Viniyoga approach lacking for certain aspects of things. (For instance, I always joke that Viniyoga asana doesn’t have much to offer a tight IT band!)
I believe this Program will empower you to create the weekly ‘Yoga for your Back’ classes you envision.