Chair Yoga for Neck Fusion and Whiplash
After 2 rear-end car accidents, I’ve had numbness, tingling in my hands, headache and shoulder, neck, back, head and hip pain. This is how Chair Yoga has helped me.
Terry wrote to us to tell us about her experience with Cervical Fusion and Chair Yoga…. here is her story.
I was rear ended in a car accident September 2022. Unfortunately, this was the second time that someone rear ended me. The first accident happened in 2006 and I had a cervical fusion of C-4, C-5 and C-6 as a result. Since the second accident, I’ve had numbness, tingling in my hands, headache and shoulder, neck, back, head and hip pain. I’m a quilter and wasn’t able to quilt. I wasn’t able to read, I wasn’t able to cook, I wasn’t able to blog. In short, life was hard.

I’ve had regular chiropractic, acupuncture and massage sessions. While I am a candidate for another fusion, I’m holding out that my body will heal enough that I can live a “normal” life without it. To that end, I asked a friend if she thought a chair yoga class would be helpful in my recovery process. My friend recommended you and the Yoga Vista You Tube channel. That was in December. Two days later I came down with a nasty flu that kept me house bound for four weeks.
Chair Yoga Helped reduce my numbness from a Cervical Fusion
The first day I tried a video, I wasn’t able to compete all the poses; but, I felt better after the class ended. Several hours after class, I continued to feel better. The class was part of a Kickstart seven day challenge. I chose the neck and back class. I have completed at least a 30 minute class every day since. I do what I can. I am pleased to be gaining more strength and flexibility as well as better balance.
I can cook a meal without it taking me all day. I’m able to machine piece like I did before I was injured. I can’t free motion machine quilt yet; but, I have hope about being able to do it again. I am blogging again and I’m reading. Regarding your classes, I continue to do what I can. I so appreciate your gentle and supportive style. Some day, I might even be strong enough to up the yoga time to an hour.
I have Less Pain because of Chair Yoga
I have less pain which I feel is in part because of all the assistance I have. . .yoga is just as important as massage or acupuncture or a chiropractic appointment.
Thank you for making so many videos free to access. Chair yoga isn’t an exercise I would have ever considered on my own.
Thank you for giving me hope that I will be pain free and living “normal” at some point!
Terry K.
Answer from Sherry
Like you, I have been rear-ended twice and have severe whiplash that has changed the shape of my cervical spine. If you saw x-rays of my neck, you would think that I must have limited mobility and/or be in dire pain. I have neither of those issues because I do Yoga every single day to keep my spine flexible and mobile. Working my whole spine benefits my neck all the way down to my low back! After all, your spine is all interconnected so it needs to move in its entirety every day!
Gain back Neck Mobility with Chair Yoga
My neck has alot of arthritis because that is what the body does when it is injured and wants to stabilize itself. Just like you have a fusion to stabilize your neck, my arthritis helps create a stronger structure. There are times when I have a pinched nerve type of feeling because I slept wrong. That feeling can restrict some of my neck movements, and even cause me some pain. But if I gently and easily find a neck movement to release that pinched nerve… I can find comfort fairly quickly. I have learned what works and I keep diligent.
How Chair Yoga helps with Whiplash
I am glad that you have been doing my Kickstart 7-Day challenge. It is a great series for getting the whole body to move in different directions to free up tension, tightness and pain. If you can imagine from an anatomical perspective, your neck fusion has created a stable structure that nerves pass through. If you give that structure a bit of movement, length, spaciousness… those nerves have room to flow and won’t get pinched as often and your numbness and tingling will diminish. That is why you are finding relief in these Yoga practices. You are moving things around on the inside that used to be all jammed together. I want to encourage you that you will continue to get better as your body becomes used to more fluid movements. I say that Yoga is a vitamin pill for your body that you need to take daily. It is the simplest and easiest way to find your mobility once again.
Blessings to your good health!
Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Founder of Yoga Vista
Recommended Yoga Videos for neck fusion, whiplash and cervical arthritis.
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