The one area that could be helpful is something I didn’t know I needed help with until I taught the first chair yoga class for seniors at the community center where I also teach Qigong. This involves logistical things, like: How to work with chairs which have scooped...
Are Single-legged poses safe for SI Joint issues
I just finished the Low Back Care training, and have a client who has SI joint issues. Are single-legged poses safe? I understand that asymmetrical poses need to be avoided (Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Low Lunge, etc.), but I am wondering if single-leg balance poses could...
What low back modifications are needed for Osteoporosis
I am an RYT 500, and am taking my 3rd training with YogaVista Academy, this time focusing on Justine's Low Back Care certification (all have been excellent, by the way)! I've trained in Yoga for Osteoporosis, and the main tenet is to maintain the back's natural...
Modification for Sun Salutations with Forward Fold and Osteoporosis Considerations
What are the precautions for forwarding bending with a Student who has diagnosed Osteoporosis?Question: I have a woman (in her 60s?) who has been attending my Mixed Level 1/2 class (slow flow) for the past few months, and who was diagnosed with osteoporosis two years...
Spinal Flexion Guidance for Osteoporosis and Kyphosis
I am an RYT 500 yoga teacher, and am taking your Chair and Gentle Yoga Training for the 50+ population - it is excellent! In the training, it is mentioned that Cat/Cow is done in nearly every senior sequence - is the Cat pose (spinal flexion) okay to do if a student...
How to Introduce Chair Yoga to a Group of Seniors
I completed the chair yoga on line courses last Spring and have been loving teaching my classes at the senior citizens building for almost a year now. I recently enrolled in the chair yoga dance courses and my students look forward to me sharing the things I learn...
Concern for Safety of a Gentle Yoga Student who struggles to keep up
I have a 78-year old student in my Gentle Yoga Class that struggles with many of the poses. I'm concerned that he will hurt himself by over trying.I'd appreciate your input on a student of mine. I run a 'gentle yoga class' for over 60s (in the UK). One of my students...
Chair Yoga for Neck Fusion and Whiplash
After 2 rear-end car accidents, I’ve had numbness, tingling in my hands, headache and shoulder, neck, back, head and hip pain. This is how Chair Yoga has helped me. Terry wrote to us to tell us about her experience with Cervical Fusion and Chair Yoga.... here is her...
How do we tell if the quads are too tight or whether they are too weak?
I have a new client who had a baby 6mths ago. She is wanting to come to yoga as she is finding it difficult to get up and down off the floor to deal with her baby. She thinks her quads are too tight. I'm meeting her next week on Zoom. Answer from Justine Thank you...