Are there References that you would recommend for Anatomy?
Can you help us with easy definitions/references for anatomical terms like posterior/anterior, adduction/abduction, flexion/extension and others?
Is there a book or online resource? Also are there other references that you would recommend for anatomy??

Answer from Justine
Hi Everyone, the anatomy book I like best for understanding basic anatomy and directional terms is Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain. It is very well laid out and easy to read!
I also highly recommend Ray Long, MD and his website: There are many great books and he has a wonderful blog that teaches fine nuances of anatomy and asana with wonderful cues.
The amazing Tom Myers, of Anatomy Trains, is one of Sherry and my teachers. He is an expert on Fascia and all things anatomy, in addition to being wonderful guy. Tom is who facilitated the Fascial Cadaver Dissection we attended in January of 2018 – it was one of the most profound experiences of my life! (There is a video below of Sherry and I sharing a bit of our experience.) Tom is a humble and gifted teacher who freely shares his amazing knowledge. You can learn more about him here:
A great anatomy app is Essential Anatomy 5… we all love it here at the Academy! It is a nice way to be able to show students just what you are talking about and help them to visualize it in their own bodies.