What is an alternative Twist in the Seated Sun Salutation Series?
I have a student with scoliosis and I want to know if the forward bending and side twisting movements that are in the Sun Salutation seated series are safe?

Safer Alternative
Answer from Sherry
Here is the option I offer in my sun sal sequence for those students who cannot bend or twist. It fits right into the sequence so that they don’t feel left out. You can even take the spinal flexion (45 degree angle) out completely and simply have them reach the right arm and then left arm out while the others are in the deeper bend and twist option.
Thank you very much for emailing the alternative variation for the sun salutation twist for students with scoliosis. I have begun using it in my classes with great success. This seems to be a very nice variation for new students who are apprehensive about spinal twists in general, even if they don’t have scoliosis. I appreciate your looking into my question and providing me with such a good solution.