Recording classes using an IPad.

Academy Connection ForumCategory: Audio & Video EquipmentRecording classes using an IPad.
Carin Duteau asked 5 years ago

Hi Yogis!
I am THIS CLOSE to sending Sherry my first recorded Chair Yoga class. Yayyyyy. The problem, however, is technical in nature. I use an iPad. (This is also what I use for my Zoom chair classes). I bought a Lavalier mic with a little receiver. The directions CLAIM it works with an iPad. But it doesn’t. 😞 To be clear, my iPad charges from a small usb hole on the right side. On the bottom left of the iPad is a hole for a jack. The receiver totally fits in there just fine. The receiver and the mic are communicating. The iPad is confused. I start to record a video and Nope – it’s not picking up from the Lavalier mic. 🤷‍♀️ Can anyone help me?! Thank you soooo much!!

Corey Stiles replied 5 years ago

Thank you for sharing this challenge with us Carin. I’m wondering if the mic company or Apple has a tech support that would be of help. I asked my husband (my personal tech support) if he had any ideas. He said it sounds like your iPad is confused or not getting the correct signal. He suggested Googling your problem to see if there is a YouTube video with a fix. As tech savvy as he is he Googles software bugs A LOT!!!! Good Luck! Keep us all posted as surely someone else will have this same problem at some point.