shadow boxes or lighting for online classes

Academy Connection ForumCategory: Teaching Online Yoga Classesshadow boxes or lighting for online classes
Tracy Stephensen asked 4 years ago

Hello. I just want to say this forum has been very helpful. Thank you.

I will be teaching chair yoga in the new year. A few teachers I know who are teaching online suggesting getting lighting or shadow boxes for lightening. Can anyone recommend any that have worked well for them. I’m assuming I’ll purchase on Amazon. Thank you in advance. Tracy

Corey Stiles replied 4 years ago

Hi Tracy! I’m glad the forum has been valuable for you. I use a Diva Ring light for my online classes. I’ve had it for years, but I think you can get one on Amazon. In addition, I make sure that all the lights are on in the room I teach in. I’m sure Sherry will agree, you want to have as much light as possible ON YOU for teaching online and especially for recording. I heard someone say, maybe it was Sherry, ‘cameras love light’. Good luck! Let us know what you end up going with.

Tracy Stephensen replied 4 years ago

Thanks Corey. This was sent to me from a yoga friend from her teacher who it sounds like s/he is teaching a lot online. GVM 2 Pack LED video lighting kits.

Tracy Stephensen replied 4 years ago

Thanks Corey. This was sent to me from a yoga friend from her teacher who it sounds like s/he is teaching a lot online. GVM 2 Pack LED video lighting kits.