Yoga for post-hip replacement surgery students
Please recommend resources for yoga for post-hip replacement surgery students. I am not speaking of 6 months after surgery. I am speaking of upwards of 1-2 years.

Answer from Justine
Academy Resources
Yoga Vista Academy does have the manuals for our different workshops for sale, in case it is of interest to you I am giving you the links to them – one is all of my Yoga Therapy workshop manuals in one hand out (including the info on joint replacement): /product/gentle-yoga-therapy-teacher-training-manual-1st-edition/ The next is the CEU weekend workshop manuals that includes the one with knee and hip replacements called ‘Gentle Yoga Therapy for Joint Health’ – /product/teachers-advanced-gentle-senior-and-chair-yoga-training-manual-volume-5/
I realize these are expensive and may have more information in them than you are interested in. I am in the middle of moving, we are finally unpacking in our new home in Hawaii!! But, in the course of volcano eruptions, hurricanes and the general climate of the rain forest – my desktop computer crashed and is dead. I know I have a sheet with contraindications for each approach of hip replacements….as I get the data retrieved from my desktop I will see if I can find it and send a copy to you. (Sherry had it in her files!!)
Final take away – if your students are 1-2 years or greater away from hip replacement, fear not – they will be hard to hurt. Trust your intuition….and watch their face,that they are not making pained expressions or pushing too far. 🙂