Chair Yoga – Final Assignment and Teachback

You are almost done! Here is how your grades will be broken down: 20% - Test grades that you took along the way. 10% - Field Trip assignment (open the PDF for specific instructions) 35% - One hour Chair Yoga Class teachback (open the PDF for specific...

Chair Yoga DANCE! Teacher Training Program (25 hrs)

Our Online Chair Yoga DANCE! Training and Certification Program was created to help you put that extra sugar, spice and joy into your Chair Yoga Classes.  Learn the hows, whys and what-nots about creating your OWN Chair Yoga Dances and how to learn and teach the many...

Community Presentation – 3 Things

This Document Download provides ideas and materials for you to use to go out into your Community and speak about the benefits of Yoga for the 50+ population. All the materials provided are copyright of the Yoga Vista Academy, but are being shared with you to use...

Cues to Keep Your Students Safe & Why We Use Them Workshop (1.5 Hrs)

As teachers, we have probably learned safety cues and precautions as standard protocols in our teacher training programs. But understanding the whys and what-ifs from an anatomical and physiological perspective will allow us to articulate and demonstrate these safety...

Gentle Yoga for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (2.5 Hrs)

with Justine Shelton, E-RYT500 and AVI-Certified Viniyoga Therapist More than 67 million people in the US have osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, and the number is growing. These conditions often come together and are called the twin perils of aging. Learn the causes,...

Profile of a Gentle Yoga Student (4 Hrs)

Gentle Yoga is a mindful, therapeutic and accessible practice that serves the needs of students who are looking for a gentler form of Yoga that will support their current physical, mental and spiritual needs. From injury rehabilitation and stress reduction to spine...

Low Back Deep Dive – Piriformis Syndrome/Sciatica (3 Hrs)

Low back pain, leg numbness and inflammation are common symptoms of Sciatica, one of the most prevalent low back conditions found in the 50+ population. As Yoga Teachers, a deeper understanding of this condition will help us serve our students with awareness and tools...
Yoga Therapy for the Knees (4 Hrs)

Yoga Therapy for the Knees (4 Hrs)

This workshop will examine the anatomy of one of our most complex joints – the knee. Our knees support us and carry us forward in life. When there is pain and dysfunction in the knee, it can affect our movement patterns and cause other problems of misalignment up and...

Myth Asana – Myth of the Poses (2 Hrs)

This unique workshop will help you to understand your Yoga practice at a deeper, magical level! Learn the myths behind many of our beloved Yoga poses, including sun salutations, warrior series, moon, and of course, Ganesha the elephant god, to name a few. Be prepared...

Gentle Yoga for Shoulder Health (3 Hrs)

Shoulder impingement, rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder are common conditions in the 50+ population. In this Gentle Yoga Workshop, Sherry will give you the behind the scenes perspective of why and how specific Yoga sequences are offered in a Gentle Yoga class...

The Posture Project for the 50+ Population (5 Hrs)

In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT specializing in Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga, will share the stunning results of her Senior Posture Project, and observations and analysis from her many years teaching Yoga to the 50+ population. Sherry has worked with many...

The Business, Ethics and Marketing of Yoga (2 Hrs)

How do you find opportunities to teach Yoga and make an income doing what you love? Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT, Yoga Studio owner and Yoga Video Producer shares her business and marketing strategies to a roomful of recent 200-Hr YTT Graduates. Find out why “Yoga” and...

Gentle and Chair Yoga for Arthritis from Head to Toe (2 Hrs)

Senior Health Issues Workshop: Chair Yoga for Osteoarthritis with Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT. Learn where and how osteoarthritis manifests in the body and what modifications are recommended in specific Chair Yoga poses to encourage mobility and pain relief for all...

The Neuroscience of Pain (3 Hrs)

Is pain the inevitable destination of the aging process? If pain starts in the brain, can it be re-wired? Why do some people experience more pain than others? Learn the answers to these questions and more as Stephani shares her expertise on neuroscience, pain and...

Gentle Yoga for Arthritis Relief (2 Hrs)

For 50+ students, many can experience pain and stiffness in their joints where arthritis has set in. Common areas for arthritis are in the fingers and thumbs, shoulder, hips and knees. In this Gentle Yoga Workshop, Sherry will give you the behind the scenes...

Gentle Yoga for Better Balance (2 Hrs)

When teaching Yoga to Senior Citizens, one of the first things we notice is their loss of balance. From common trips come falls, and then fear of moving sets in. To help our students feel sure and steady on their feet they need healthy bones and muscles for support,...

Gentle Yoga for Low Back Health (2 Hrs)

The number one complaint from 50+ students is low back pain. From sciatica to the inability to bend forward comfortably, when spinal movements are limited, life feels like it is on hold. The tight achiness, soreness and pain that comes from moving or twisting a sore...

Grow Your Classes with Sponsorships (1 Hr)

Shelly Anderson is a certified Yoga instructor who specializes in Chair Yoga for Seniors. She started teaching over three years ago, and has been successful building her classes in the community using corporate sponsors. Sponsorships allow you to earn a good salary...

Teaching Yoga at Senior Care Facilities (3 Hrs)

Thousands of Seniors transition into Senior Care Facilities each week in the United States. Some because of repeated falls, some because of dementia or Alzheimer’s some because of strokes, and of course some because they have no other support system to rely on....

Teaching Mat/Chair Yoga Classes (5 Hrs)

In this 5-hour workshop, 3 different Yoga Teachers share their insights, humor, cautions and guidelines for teaching a Senior Yoga class with students on the Mat or in the Chair. They all offer creative new sequences you can use in ANY Yoga class you teach, along with...

Incorporating Restorative Yoga into your Yoga Classes (3 Hrs)

This Workshop will give you ideas of how you can add Restorative Yoga poses into your existing Yoga teaching to add variety and extra TLC. Kat Gregory is an experienced Restorative Yoga teacher having achieved the highest level of training from Judith Lasater. Kat's...

Anatomy of Aging and Movement (20 Hrs)

In this Course, we are going to look through the lens of our bodies as we age. Our intent in sharing the following information is three-fold: * Look at our physical bodies as we age and what "common" things occur that we universally share as human beings * Investigate...

How to be a Better Workshop Presenter with Marjorie Old (1 Hr)

If you are thinking of creating more income options for your Yoga Teaching, then Workshops are something to consider.  As teachers, we probably all have had our share of good and not-so-good workshop presenters. What is it that makes the difference?  Well, this is...